Interview with Helen Barbara Godson by Alison Viney Houghton about her youth in Adelaide during the Second World War.

Accession Number AWM2018.572.23
Collection type Sound
Object type Oral history
Physical description audio cassette; TDK
Maker Godson, Helen Barbara
Place made Australia: South Australia, Christies Beach
Date made 5 June 2001
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

Interview with Helen Barbara Godson conducted by Alison Viney Houghton for her "The Age of Innocence 1937-1947" oral history project. The interview covers her experience as a young person living through the Second World War, including the day war began; working for the South Australian Police Force; declaration of peace; a lost girl being found by an Aboriginal tracker; the Girl Guides; rationing of matches, salmon and butter; a "make do and mend" culture; the "thrift depot", housing, the "cheer up hut"; soldiers in Adelaide, shoeshine boys, the National Anthem at the cinema; search lights; air raid shelters and sirens. A transcript of this recording is available. For further information please contact the Sound section.

  • Listen to Interview with Helen Barbara Godson by Alison Viney Houghton about her youth in Adelaide during the Second World War.
  • Listen to Part 2 of Interview with Helen Barbara Godson by Alison Viney Houghton about her youth in Adelaide during the Second World War.

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