Intelligence reports

Place Asia: Borneo
Accession Number AWM2017.7.148
Collection number 3DRL/6502
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 40
Object type Papers
Physical description 188 Image/s captured
Maker Various
Place made Borneo
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Records relating to the service of Major Tom H. Harrisson, DSO Reconnaissance Corps, British Army. Harrisson was seconded to Z Special Unit, Services Reconnaissance Department and served in Borneo as party leader on Operation Semut 1 during the Second World War. This file includes intelligence reports regarding Japanese movements, arms for Indigenous soldiers and administration of prisoners of war. File also includes correspondence between Harrisson (code A1) and Captain Eric Edmeades (code E1), WO Colin McPherson (code M1), Lt Jeffery Westley (code W3), Cpl Roland Griffiths-Marsh (code I6 and I8), Lt Francis Leckie (code L2), Cpl Igor Sterelny (code S6), Capt Alfred Blondeel (code B3), WO Bertram Charles Long (code L7), Sgt Roy Dawson (code D7), Sgt Charles Frederick Sanderson, Capt Eric Edmeades (code E1), Lieutenant Robert Pinkerton (P1) and Capt Gordon Richter (“Rick” code R1 and R3).
This file includes:
Letter from A1 [Harrisson] to Ric (E1), 17 July [1945] critical of conduct;
Report initialled TH [Harrisson] on letterhead of Australian Military Forces - V.C.L. of C. Area titled Sit Rep…Semut 1, 22 July 1945, and page headed Lawas, 23 July 1945;
Note from N7 to Rick regarding stores;
Note from I8 [Griffiths] to Tuan Besar via Tuan Allan, 1 July 1945;
Note, 1 July 1945, reporting areas under control, Japanese movement;
Note from M1 [McPherson] to A1 [Harrisson], Sipitong, 3 July 1945;
Sketch map signed MacPherson and [Griffiths], 3 July 1945, showing boundaries for operations of M1 and I6;
Note from L2 [Leckie] to A1 [Harrisson], [Loembis], 5 June 1945 regarding Japanese movement, request for maps, supplies;
Note from Sunjiai in Malay, undated;
Note from P1 to A1 [Harrisson] headed: Report on Lawas, 3 July [1945];
Letter from S6 [Sterelny] to A1 [Harrisson], 6 July 1945, enclosing census of [Malinau?] and intelligence report;
List of arms and supplies provided to Trusan, Kapala Miri and personnel here on strip, 6 July 1945;
Reports from Westley on Return Trip Long Poendjoegan - Blawit and Report on Possible Dropping Areas and Landing Strips, 6 July 1945;
Note from Dari Kita headed Dengan [h]ormat, Belawit, in Malay, 6 July 1945;
List of items including various types of maps, torch and battery, kerosene, undated;
Letter from B3, 8 July 1945, re: action in Semaloemoeng;
Note from W3 listing items including arms, ammunition and supplies for Loembes, Long Barang and Trusan;
Note from W3 to D7, 9 July 1945, [regarding stores request];
Note from Edmeades, Trusan, 9 July 1945, regarding movement of enemy troops;
Note listing location of arms, 9 July 1945;
Note headed P.O.W., 10 July 1945, listing Japanese name (Fujita), personal details, details of capture and his activities from call-up;
Note from Trusan and from Pa Brayong, 10 July 1945, reporting attacks;
Note from L7 referring to messages and on reverse draft message for R1 [Richter], undated;
From Rear HQ 20 BDE (Sanderson) to 9 Div (Major Harris[s]on), undated, reporting contact with Dutch Javanese troops, possible Japanese troop surrender;
Note from Major Harrisson titled Proposed W/T Link: Semut I, IA, H/Q/ , 11 July 1945;
Note from William [Mlongan], Long Noeat [in Malay], 13 July 1945;
Note from D7 to W3 [Westley], undated, [regarding the meaning of a message]
Note headed Weapon Issue, 11 July 1945, re: .303 rifle issue;
Note [from Kiai dosi], to L.G [in Malay], 11 July 1945;
Note [from Chong?] titled: Balance of stock checking on 13th July 1945, listing medical supplies;
Note from Ric (R3) to W3 [Westley], Long Semadoe, [regarding supply request], 13 July 1945;
Note from Ric (R3) to Jeff, Long Semadoe, 13 July 1945;
Note from L8 to A1 [Harrisson], 14 July 1945, re wireless instructions in plain language;
Note titled [Meliba] 8 Juli 1945 [in Malay];
Report from H6 to A1 [Harrisson], Ukong, 6 July [1945] [regarding training Bersaya, Japanese locations, collaboration, arms and supplies, and names and Kampong holding weapons];
Letter from [Finley?] to Tom [Harrisson], [regarding sending stores, including gramophone needles];
Report 'from B3' [regarding field operations including capture of Japanese, assault on Mesalong, administration of Malinau, prisoners, murderers of two Dutch sergeants in Mensalong];
Letter from B3 [to Tuan Besar] Long Lekas, 5 July 1945, [reporting engagement with Japanese troops, casualties, collection of Japanese documents];
Letter from H6 to A1 [Harrisson], Ukong, 11 September 1945, reporting movements since 7 July including patrols over Lubai River, arming locals, collaborators;
Note from Tuan Besar [Harrisson] to Tuan Bigar, 4 July 1945, [regarding excusing the chief of Pa Brayong and his men from carrying rice from Long Semadoe].