Wedding of Private Martin Van Nus DPR/TV/745

Accession Number F03951
Collection type Film
Measurement 2 min 41 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker L'Estrange, Brian Edwin
Place made Singapore
Date made November 1967
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

There was a Cinderella touch to the wedding of Private Martin Van Nus of Park Orchards, Vic and Miss Jocelyn Websdale of Hollywood, Perth, WA, in Singapore recently. Private Van Nus is currently serving in Vietnam. He planned to marry in Singapore during his rest and recuperation leave. The couple planned a quiet, simple ceremony at the Singapore Registrar. But unknown to them a friend of Miss Websdale had contacted Mr Duncan McInnes, a British civilian working in Singapore. When Mr McInnes was told of the wedding arrangements, he quickly set about formulating a plan of his own. He first booked All Saints' Church in Singapore's Wessex Estate for the ceremony. Then he organised a matron-of-honour and two bridesmaids and arranged for a reception at his own flat. What started out as a simple Registrar wedding ended up as a lavish church ceremony with no expense spared. Mr McInnes stood in for the bride's father during the ceremony. At the reception the bride and groom met Mrs McInnes and all the British civilians who had turned up to make their wedding a memorable occasion. Best man was Private John Guy of Swanbourne, WA, who is also serving in Vietnam. Mr McInnes, who has a daughter and a son in Perth, WA, will be making his home in Australia when his current tour of Singapore is completed. (Also identified: British Army Chaplain W. O. Jones)

Film order form
  • Video of Wedding of Private Martin Van Nus DPR/TV/745 (video)

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