Barra Winga final battle DPR/TV/501,503,504

Accession Number F03813
Collection type Film
Measurement 2 min 40 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 3 November 1966
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

The Battle for Manifold, a "Queensland Cong" stronghold was the climax this week of Exercise "Barra Winga", which has just ended in the Army's Shoalwater Bay training area in Queensland. It was a battle to test the 6th Australian Task Force in Vietnamese style operations and followed search and clear operations earlier in the exercise. The tactical headquarters of the 4000 strong Task Force was moved under heavily armed air and ground convoy more than 22 miles in a final push into "Queensland Cong" territory. Drivers were carefully briefed on the tactical situation and ready action drills explained before the 140 armoured and road vehicles moved out from Raspberry Vale to its new location, the Brampton Vale homestead area of Shoalwater Bay, just a mortar throw from "Queensland Cong" headquarters. Hours of preparation had been put into locating "Queensland Cong" positions by reconnaissance patrols and scouts. Troops were carefully briefed on the tactics to be adopted and what support they could expect from the air, artillery, armoured personnel carriers and other infantry battalions. The attack on the Manifold village, which had been set up to resemble a Viet Cong controlled village by the 3 RAR was made by 7 RAR. RAAF Canberra bombers operating with the Task Force made simulated runs on the enemy position, which was reinforced by CMF enemy of the 42nd Battalion Royal Queensland Regiment. In spite of the Canberra bomber attacks, which represented the dropping of napalm and bombs, the enemy set up a determined defence of their base. When 7 RAR did attack the position they did not have it all their own way and the "Queensland Cong": held off the attack for some time, as the allies regrouped and the attack eased down to sniper fire from both sides. After 90 minutes 7 RAR made a determined push through the enemy village and the "Queensland Cong" hastily withdrew.

Film order form
  • Video of Barra Winga final battle DPR/TV/501,503,504 (video)