Moses , Lieutenant Colonel Charles

Place Oceania: New Guinea1, Papua New Guinea, Papua, Owen Stanley Range, Buna Area, Sanananda
Accession Number MSS1076
Collection type Manuscript
Measurement 1 folder
Object type Letter, Poem
Date made 1942-1979
Access Open
Related File This file can be copied or viewed via the Memorial’s Reading Room. AWM315 419/016/042
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Poem "Perimeter on the Sanananda Track" written by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Moses formerly Commanding Officer of 2/7 Australian Cavalry Regiment AIF. Also a copy of a letter written in 1979 explaining the background to Moses writing the poem.