A Dutch woman tends with great care the graves of the crew of Lancaster bomber (PB255) from RAAF ...

Place Europe: Netherlands
Accession Number 130296
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Place made Netherlands
Date made c 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A Dutch woman tends with great care the graves of the crew of Lancaster bomber (PB255) from RAAF 460 Squadron which crashed and exploded on impact at Oostelbeers, Holland on the night of 24 December, 1944. The remains of the crew (six RAAF and one RAF) buried in a common grave in the local Roman Catholic churchyard in Oostelbeers include: 420763 Flying Officer (FO) Michael Carleton Skarrat (Pilot); 430773 Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt) Robert John Dickie (Navigator); 437237 FO John Michael Ward (Bomb Aimer); 30953 Flt Sgt Cyril Keith Deed (Mid Upper Gunner); 433717 Flt Sgt Graham Fowler Day (Rear Gunner); 434335 Flt Sgt Russell Ian Stewart (Wireless Operator, Air) and 923554 Sergeant Thomas Charles Newman (Flight Engineer, RAF). Oostelbeers is located 13 kilometers north-west of Eindhoven, Holland. Donor: A.H.Day