A Churchill MkVII Crocodile testing a flame thrower at the Armoured Fighting Vehicle School, ...

Place Oceania: Australia, Victoria
Accession Number 129599
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Davis, Keith Benjamin
Place made Australia: Victoria, Puckapunyal
Date made 21 June 1946
Conflict Period 1940-1949

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A Churchill MkVII Crocodile testing a flame thrower at the Armoured Fighting Vehicle School, Puckapunyal. A series of test shots were made at varying elevations and three different fuel mixtures. This test was at 10 degrees elevation and 4 percent fuel mixture. These tanks were used in northwest Europe as well as 250 earmarked for use in the Far East.