Leach Trench Catapult

Accession Number RELAWM09265
Collection type Technology
Object type Artillery
Maker Australian Imperial Force
Place made Australia
Date made c 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Wooden Trench catapult, or bomb-throwing machine, constructed with a Y shaped frame. Originally this mounted a rubber band fastened onto the ends of the Y, which would have been pulled rearwards by a windlass and held by a hook release.

History / Summary

This machine was used for instructional purposes at the trench warfare and bombing school at Liverpool camp, NSW. This was designed to be an exact version of the Leach machines used in France in the early days of the war (Capt Tindale, AE). The catapult could throw a Mills grenade up to 150 yards. A photograph of a similar device used in France is held at AWM H08043. By 1916 the device was obsolete, having been replaced by the Stokes mortar.