AN/TPQ 36 Firefinder Weapon locating radar system

Accession Number REL50108
Collection type Technology
Object type Artillery
Maker British Aerospace
Place made United States of America
Date made 1986
Conflict Iraq, 2003-2013

The AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder Radar is a lightweight, small, highly mobile radar set which is designed to detect weapon projectiles launched at any angle within selected 90-degree azimuth sectors over 360 degrees of coverage. The radar can locate simultaneous and volley-fire weapons, and can also be used to register and adjust friendly fire. Upon projectile detection, the weapon location is computed and is used to direct counter-battery fires.

The system consists of an operational control group, OK-398/TPQ-36, housed in a palletised shelter and an antenna transceiver group, OY-71/TPQ-36, mounted on a trailer. Two separate generators mount onto the same pallet which houses the shelter. Each of the sub-assemblies is painted in the late 1990s Australian Army 'Auscam' three colour camouflage system, of tan, olive drab and black.

History / Summary

The 'Firefinder' is used by artillery battalions to locate the source of hostile incoming weapon fire. This particular unit was deployed at Talil in Iraq, where it was damaged by small arms fire. The damage was subsequently repaired.

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