Dolan, Charles Patrick (Major, b.1907 - d.1978)

Place Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Celebes
Accession Number PR05967
Collection number PR05967
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: .5 cm; Wallet/s: 1
Object type Letter
Maker Dolan, Charles Patrick
Gower, Stephen Newman 'Steve'
United Nations
White, Roderick David
Place made Australia: Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney, Indonesia
Date made 1950, 2007
Access Open
Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required., Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Collection relating to the United Nations Commission for Indonesia (UNCI) service of NX700198 Major Charles Patrick "Cliff" Dolan ED, Army Instructional Corps, 1950.

Wallet 1 of 1 - A letter of commendation received from the UNCI Military Executive Board to Dolan's observer team dated 18 August 1950, praising the team "for their diplomatic handling of a difficult situation" during which they negotiated a cease fire agreement and "displayed outstanding courage, perseverance, and initiative."

A joint letter addressed to the United Nations Commission for Indonesia dated the 9th of August 1950, from the Pakistan League, United Indian Association and the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui (the Anglican church of China) branches in Makassar, thanking the UN in advance for their efforts and appealing to them to ensure the "protection of our people at this critical moment."

History / Summary

Dolan was commissioned into the 17th Battalion, Australian Military Forces in 1929. By the outbreak of the Second World War, he was a senior captain with staff experience on the headquarters of the 8th Infantry Brigade and had served as adjutant of the 17th Battalion. He was transferred to the Reserve of Officers in July 1946, but was recalled in December 1949 to serve as an observer with the UNCI. He was posted to Military Observer Team 4 in Makassar, working closely with a lieutenant colonel from the United States Army and a Belgian captain. Their role was to observe and report on the military, economic and political situation in their district as Indonesia transitioned from Dutch colony to an independent republic. Dolan was returned to the Reserve of Officers list in May 1951 and placed on the Retired List in November 1954.

The two letters were later given, by an intermediary, to Major Roderick "Rod" White AM, RFD, a senior official in the Returned and Services League of Australia. In 2007, White offered the letters for donation to the Australian War Memorial. The collection includes the letter of offer, sent by White to Major General Steve Gower, Director of the Australian War Memorial, in February 2007, and Director Steve Gower's response in March facilitating the donation of the collection.