Notebook and diary of Thomas Walter White, July-December 1918

Accession Number RCDIG0001331
Collection number 2DRL/0766
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 1
Object type Diary
Physical description 100 Image/s captured
Maker White, Thomas Walter
Place made Ottoman Empire: Palestine
Date made 1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

Notebook and diary relating to the First World War service of Captain Thomas Walter White, Mesopotamian Half Flight, Australian Flying Corps. The notebook has a collection of translated Russian and Turkish words to English, it also contains, calculations, addresses and other notes. The diary covers the period, July to December 1918, and records White’s escape and evasion and returned to England via Palestine, Egypt and France. He details landscapes, buildings and mentions watching American President, Woodrow Wilson and French President, Raymond Poincare ride through Paris in a carriage preceded by heavy cavalry.