Studio portrait of 29985 Gunner Charles Robert Minchin. A postal assistant prior to enlistment, ...

Accession Number P11533.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Digital file TIFF
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Studio portrait of 29985 Gunner Charles Robert Minchin. A postal assistant prior to enlistment, Gunner Minchin embarked with the 120 Howitzer Battery from Melbourne aboard HMAT Aeneas (A60) on 3 October 1916. He was awarded the Military Medal on the 19 December 1917. His citation reads "On the night of the 1st November 1917, No. 29985 Gunner Charles Robert Minchin, in company with Bdr. Mosely and Gunner King, when passing near Glencorse Wood heard a cry for help. The ground was excessively boggy and the enemy were shelling the spot heavily at the time, and the darkness of the night was also instrumental in prolonging their search. Gunner Minchin's perseverance and that of his comrades resulted in their finding a wounded Infantryman to whom they rendered first aid and then carried to a dressing station. This man is a telephonist, and has repeatedly shown the same valour and disregard for danger in carrying out his work under heavy fire". His conduct is deserving of special recognition. Minchin survived the war and returned to Australia on 23 June 1919.