Singapore surrender 15 February 1942 [Japanese film]

Accession Number F10215
Collection type Film
Measurement 18 mins
Object type Newsreel
Physical description 16mm/b&w/sound
Maker Nippon Eigasha
Place made Singapore
Date made 15 February 1942
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain

Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

Singapore February 1942, shows street scene with abandoned motor vehicles. British light trucks driving through streets. Australian troops marching in a column watched by Japanese soldiers. Close ups of faces of British and Indian soldiers. Group of Indian POWs. Elevated pan showing thousands of captured Allied troops. Japanese soldiers marching. Japanese troops on parade with officers' swords drawn. Japanese tank crews receiving orders. Japanese Type 97 tanks parade through streets. The tanks drive passed the Raffles monument. Japanese solders massed on parade at attention. Travelling shot of damaged buildings. British civilians loading belongings on to a truck. British women queuing. High angle of British civilians loading truck. Allied POWs shovel rubble. Allied POWs lined on both sides of road as General Yamashita's motorcade drives through. Travelling shot of motorcade showing POWs of various regiments including Scottish, Gurkhas and Indians. British General Percival saluting as General Yamashita's car arrives. Yamashita walks from car returns salute and shakes Percival's hand. Yamashita inspects captured British artillery and vehicles. Wrecked RAF Buffalo fighters. Pan of Singapore harbour showing columns of smoke in the distance. Damaged buildings. British 3.7 inch anti aircraft gun. Abandoned British uniforms. Japanese soldier writing on war grave with brush. Coconut grove showing British bunkers. Pan of distant hills. Japanese soldiers guarding captured heavy coastal artillery pieces. Yamashita looking through captured high power binoculars. Long shot pan of the city. Japanese Type 97 tanks camouflaged with foliage. Bren Gun Carriers abandoned in ditches at the side of the road. Japanese tank column moving along road. Japanese bicycle troops camouflage themselves with foliage. Japanese motorized infantry. Civilians lined along road watching Japanese advance. Japanese bicycle troops riding through town. Columns of smoke. Civilians and damaged buildings. Camouflaged Japanese trucks moving through town. Japanese infantry moving through jungle with packhorses and porters. Japanese infantry enter town. Type 97 tank. Pan of Singapore Island. General Yamashita examining map with staff officers. Japanese heavy and medium artillery in action. Night scene of Japanese infantry crossing the channel in assault boats. Japanese infantry landing at British barbed wire defences. Japanese infantry moving along muddy track. Wrecked Allied aircraft Buffaloes and a Hudson of 8 Squadron RAAF. Abandoned British anti- aircraft gun, Coastal gun, wrecked and burning vehicles and guns. British officers marching to surrender carrying Union Jack. Another shot of British officers carry Union Jack and white surrender flag. British officer throws away the white flag while marching. Interior scene of General Yamashita dictating the surrender terms to General Percival and other British officers. Union Jack lying on the ground. Japanese troops cheering banzai. Repeat scene of mass of Allied prisoners. Abandoned Allied uniforms. Allied bunkers. Japanese soldiers placing flowers and pouring sake over Japanese war grave. Japanese soldiers bowing before the war grave. Japanese war cemetery. The scene of the tanks passing the Raffles monument is repeated.

Film order form
  • Video of Singapore surrender 15 February 1942 [Japanese film] (video)