Places | |
Accession Number | 058457 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Negative |
Maker |
Martin, William Donald |
Place made | Australia: Northern Territory, Katherine River |
Date made | 1 October 1943-8 October 1943 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
A troop of horsemen of the North Australian Observer Unit (NAOU), crossing the Katherine River in ...
A troop of horsemen of the North Australian Observer Unit (NAOU), crossing the Katherine River in the Northern Territory, led by an officer. The majority of the NAOU (known as Nackeroos) are skilled bush and horsemen. They are scattered all over the Northern Territory on guard against any surprise landings in isolated places. Many of the men have ridden over 2000 miles on horseback during the course of their patrols.