Able Seaman Richard Horne

Accession Number ART03559
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 76 cm x 61 cm; framed: 86.8 cm x 75 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on canvas
Location Main Bld: First World War Gallery: Australia Goes To War: Emden
Maker Wheeler, Charles
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made 1924
Conflict Period 1920-1929
First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Depicts a uniformed portrait Able Seaman Richard Horne, was typical of the men of the Royal Australian Navy, who served in every ocean of the world during 1914-18. Horne participated in the operations to seize German New Guinea in 1914 and was severely wounded during the action in which Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney destroyed the German raider SMS Emden.