HMAS Australia hit by suicide bomber, Lingayen Gulf

Accession Number ART23025
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 20 x 27.8 cm; image: 18.8 x 26 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pen and ink with wash heightened with white on paper
Maker Norton, Frank
Place made Philippines: Luzon, Lingayen Gulf
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


On the left is HMAS Kanimbla, an ex-interstate passenger ship now landing ship; her right is USS California showing bomb burst narrowly missing her; in centre middle distance is HMAS "Australia" with explosion on her deck and for'ard of her is HMAS "Shropshire", Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines.