National Defence League Depot, St Michael's Hall, Sydney

Place Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Sydney
Accession Number ART28103
Collection type Art
Measurement unframed: 59.4 x 79.7 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on cotton
Location Main Bld: World War 2 Gallery: Gallery 1 - Mediterranean: Aus at War
Maker Carrick Fox, Ethel
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Sydney
Date made 1942
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


These voluntary workers are making camouflage nets; they were part of an industry that had grown exponentially from the outbreak of war. Participants included sporting and business organisations, public schools, department stores, churches, hospitals, public bodies and municipal councils. Carrick Fox's strong and vibrant use of colour gives the hall an atmosphere of purpose and enthusiasm, a hive of activity.