On the wing of the Storming Party

Place Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Ballarat
Accession Number ART50001
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 30.4 x 25.2 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description watercolour, pencil on paper
Maker Vaughan, E
Place made Australia: Victoria, Ballarat, Australia: Victoria, Ballarat
Date made 1854

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A British soldier from the 40th Regiment of Foot. Soldiers in this regiment were involved in the 'Storming Party, Ballarat', which was part of the Eureka Stockade charge. This regiment was first raised in 1717 and was known by the names of successive colonels. It was in 1751 that it became the 40th Regiment of Foot and then in 1881 it amalgamated with the 82nd Regiment to become the South Lancashire (Prince of Wales) Volunteers.

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