Dead Japanese

Place Oceania: New Guinea1
Accession Number ART26760
Collection type Art
Measurement card: 26.4 x 37.8 cm (irreg); sheet: 18.2 x 19.4 cm (irreg)
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pen and sepia ink on paper mounted on card
Maker Hele, Ivor
Place made New Guinea1
Date made 20 November 1944
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A drawing related to the series known as the 'Patrol Sequence'. This series relates specifically to Ivor Hele's observations of the activities of the 2/10th Cavalry Commando Squadron. This drawing depicts a dead Japanese soldier found by the 2/10th Cavalry Commando Squadron during a patrol.