"Bushie", a collie dog, with Walter and Edith Horn, the children of Edward Horn a police ...

Accession Number P11043.002
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia: Victoria
Date made c 1905
Conflict South Africa, 1899-1902 (Boer War)

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


"Bushie", a collie dog, with Walter and Edith Horn, the children of Edward Horn a police constable from Toorak, Victoria. Constable Horn had given the dog to Constable Morey when Morey joined the 3rd Victorian Bushmen Contingent. Morey was either 573 Alfred Charles Morey or 568 James Matthew Morey. The back of the photograph has an article attached, printed by T M Donaldson & Co Printers, High St, Prahran, which was also published in newspapers of the time. It reads "This dog was originally a gift from Constable Horn, of Toorak, to Constable Morey on his joining the Bushmen's Contingent. The dog accompanied his new master to South Africa, and on the voyage was severely stabbed by a black sailor. He recovered from the wound, and landed at Beira. There Morey was advised to leave his dog, as it was not supposed the animal would survive a journey through Rhodesia, either the Tse-tse fly or ticks would kill him. Morey elected to take the dog and left for Marandellas, thence to Mafeking. On the road he lost the use of his hind limbs through the ticks, and was carried with the baggage for three weeks until Rustenberg was reached, where he recovered. Later, during severe fighting, he was lost, and became attached to the Highland Regiment, sharing the fortunes of war, and eventually becoming a prisoner of the Boers. When that Regiment was relieved the Boers retained 'Bushie', but he made his escape, and followed the Scottish Regiment 150 miles, remaining with them until he was again captured by the Boers. He was once more recovered, and as the Bushmen were on their way to Cape Colony in pursuit of De Wet they fell in with the Highlanders, who handed 'Bushie' over to his astonished owner. [The dog had been found at Elandsfontein, and the regiment, knowing him to belong to the Victorian Bushmen, secured him in anticpation of meeting them at Naauwpoort.] During his adventures the dog was shot in the breast, but recovered rapidly. The dog is again in possession of Constable Horn, who intends to exhibit him at the Prahran Dog and Poultry Show with a barrel attached to his neck for subscriptions to the Children's Hospital. 'Bushie' is a well-bred animal, his parents being Lady and Sir Ashley Possam, the latter a frequent prize-winner, belonging to Constable Ashe, of Armadale." After the war "Bushie" wore a decorated leather saddle during fund-raising activities, with donations going to returned servicemen. Horn family stories suggest that during the war he was a despatch dog, delivering messages. See also P11043.001 and P11043.003.

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