China's conference table

Accession Number ART94883
Collection type Art
Measurement Sheet: 37 x 55.9 cm; Image: 30.6 x 38.5 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pencil, ink and gouache on paper
Maker Frith, John
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made 1962
Conflict Period 1960-1969

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Surrounded by mountaineous landscape, Chairman Mao sits across a splayed Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, a central figure in Indian politics for much of the 20th century.

This image refers to the Sino-Chinese Conflict which arose when China launched offensives across the McMahon Line on 20 October 1962. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theatres, capturing Rezang la in Chushul in the western theatre, as well as Tawang in the eastern theatre. The war ended when the Chinese declared a ceasefire on 20 November 1962, and simultaneously announced its withdrawal from the disputed area.

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