Studio portrait of 426598 Flying Officer (FO) Adolf David Leon Hoffman RAAF. FO Hoffman was the ...

Accession Number P11142.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Digital file
Maker Nucamera Studio
Place made United States of America: New York
Date made 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Studio portrait of 426598 Flying Officer (FO) Adolf David Leon Hoffman RAAF. FO Hoffman was the navigator of 115 Squadron RAF Lancaster HK 542, shot down over Germany in the early hours of 25 April 1944. There were no survivors. In 1940, in his last year at Brisbane Grammar School, Adolf Hoffman had written his own epitaph, published in the school magazine. "For me no sculptured marble raise, No busts in brass, no names in stone, Write me no books, no faults condone In lavish words and unguent praise. Call not my time - 'those golden days', To be to children, awesome, shown; Not history's pause, to stand alone, No passing glory, epic lays. For I shall tread but once these ways, And go my way and meet my end, My coming shall no portents blaze; My going shall but few hearts rend; And this shall be sufficient praise, 'In Duty's wake he did attend.' ". FO Hoffman was aged 20 years when he died.