From the Thuillier collection of glass plate negatives, taken by Louis and Antoinette Thuillier in Vignacourt, France during the period 1916 to 1918.

Accession Number P10550.689
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Glass original postcard negative
Maker Thuillier, Louis
Place made France: Picardie, Somme, Vignacourt
Date made 1 January 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Group portrait of 5th Battalion Signals unit. Identified from left to right are: Back row; 3982 Private (Pte) Thomas Bernhardt Wilson; 16 Pte Frederick Purton; 5341 Pte George Hector Bossen; 3463 Pte Robert William Evans; 9516 Denis Jeremiah Doyle; unidentified; 2107 Pte Joseph Allan; 2374 Pte George Gordon Gilbert. Middle row; 1848 Pte Eustace Irving Martin; 244 Pte Arthur Richard Leggo; 2615 Sergeant (Sgt) George William Percy Kay; 631 Lieutenant Richard Ambrose Cuff; 13 Sgt Richard Powell Raymond; 3132 Sgt Charles Herbert Lanman; 3980 Lance Corporal (L Cpl) Horace Arnold Parton; 3976 L Cpl Ernest Gladstone Cubbins MM. Front row; 3854 Pte Bertie Harward; 3740 Pte Gordon William Campbell.

From the Thuillier collection of glass plate negatives. Taken by Louis and Antoinette Thuillier in Vignacourt, France during the period 1916 to 1918.