Portrait of A. F. Dunton (425140)

Accession Number P10228.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Digital file JPEG
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Informal portrait of 425140 Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) Arthur Fielding Dunton RAAF. After a period of service with the Militia, Dunton joined the RAAF and trained as a navigator. He trained in Canada with the EATS scheme and was posted to Coastal Command, initially serving with No 3 Squadron RCAF and then No 276 Squadron RAF. This Squadron transferred to the Second Tactical Air Force and provided air cover to ground forces during the Normandy landings on D Day. He was then posted to No 10 Squadron RAAF, undertaking anti-submarine patrols and convoy escort duties. His last wartime duty was as a navigator on a night flight providing air cover for a Royal Navy escort of German submarines; their orders were to deploy depth charges if any submarine failed to maintain use of their riding lights, but this was not required. Flt Lt Dunton returned to Australia and was discharged in 1946.