Sergeant Elizabeth Smith, Medical Assistant, interviewed by Stephanie Boyle at Al Minhad Air Base

Accession Number S05046
Collection type Sound
Object type Oral history
Physical description digital audio file; wave; 44.1kHz; 16 bit; stereo
Maker Smith, Elizabeth
Boyle, Stephanie
Place made United Arab Emirates: Dubai, Al Minhad Air Base
Date made 17 February 2011
Access Open
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to Recorded During Curatorial Deployment to MEAO and Afghanistan, 2011

Sergeant Libby Smith of the RAAF, interviewed at the ADF Level One Health Facility at AMAB, discusses her enlistment; daily routine and living conditions on the base, including physical fitness training (PT); managing health challenges specific to the Middle East such as dehydration and hygiene; foot infections; skin infections caused by dry atmosphere and hard water; nursing battle casualties brought out of theatre (as they are prepared for travel to Australia); adapting to the middle east environment psychologically as well as physically; supporting with advice and emotional support; psychological referral; liaising with the host nation and coalition forces' medical facilities; importance of packages from home.

  • Listen to Sergeant Elizabeth Smith, Medical Assistant, interviewed by Stephanie Boyle at Al Minhad Air Base