
Accession Number ART94130.006
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 13.8 x 45 x 38 cm
Object type Sculpture
Physical description perspex, wood, hessian, paint, metal
Maker Collins, Lynn
Place made Australia: South Australia, Adelaide
Date made c.1974
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Within a perspex box with a hessian covered board base: A painting on board of two women's legs with French text that could be roughly translated to red "They are violent with their legs and placement" and "Electrodes on their hands!"

With these works, Lynn Collins was trying make protest art that was visual, timely, progressive but also alluring. There are many middle eastern references in 'Museum piece no. 1', including small oil paintings that reference Persian miniatures. French is used in this piece because of a trip Lynn Collins took to Morocco, a former French colony.

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