Studio portrait of NX46541 Private (Pte) Ernest Grenenger Brown, later 2/1 Battalion, of Kyogle, ...

Accession Number P08772.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Cameron Studios
Place made Australia
Date made c 1940
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Studio portrait of NX46541 Private (Pte) Ernest Grenenger Brown, later 2/1 Battalion, of Kyogle, NSW. A labourer prior to enlisting on 11 July 1940, Pte Brown initially served with 2/3 Battalion in the Middle East but was transferred to 2/1 Battalion on 18 June 1941. His unit returned to Australia in August 1942 and on 21 September 1942 arrived in Port Moresby, New Guinea. Private Brown was appointed Lance Corporal (L/Cpl) on 1 November 1942 and was killed in action in New Guinea on 20 November 1942. L/Cpl Brown was 33 years of age.