Black ankle boots : 1 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment

Place Asia: Vietnam, Bien Hoa Province, Bien Hoa
Accession Number REL35990
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Uniform
Physical description Brass, Leather, Steel
Maker Rossiters Pty. Ltd.
Place made Australia: South Australia
Date made 1964
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Pair of black leather ankle boots with leather soles and heels, heavy cotton stitching, six pairs of black-painted brass lace eyelets, a leather loop at the upper rear of the boot to retain the laces, and a double row of stitching across the toe cap. Constructed with a wide tongue. Each sole is fitted with a set of seven cast brass cleats, into which is cast either L or R; and each heel is fitted with a thick (5 mm) steel reinforcing plate - these are tacked to the sole and heel with heavy duty brass tacks. The tops of both boots on both sides are impressed "6 6 1964 D[broad arrow symbol]D ROSSI SA'.

History / Summary

Associated with the service of 1 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR) in the early stages of Australia's involvement in Vietnam. 1 RAR arrived in Vietnam in late May and early June 1965, and was one of several Australian units attached to the US 173rd Airborne Brigade based at Bien Hoa. At that time 1 RAR soldiers were wearing this type of AB/TS (Ankle, Black/Tropical Studded) boot with high canvas gaiters, which proved to be unsuited for operations in Vietnam. Both were replaced by the calf-length General Purpose (GP) boot by the end of the year.