Identity discs : Lyndell Brown (Green), Official War Artist

Accession Number REL38673
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Metal
Maker Department of Defence
Place made Australia
Date made 2007
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Iraq, 2003-2013

Two black metal identity discs. One is octagonal and worn on a long chromed chain. The other is round and worn a smaller chain. This chain is attached to the longer one. Both discs are stamped with ''.

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History / Summary

In early 2007 the Australian War Memorial appointed Charles Green and Lyndell Brown as official artists to Iraq and Afghanistan. Green and Brown are based in Melbourne and work collaboratively on the same paintings. Their work is represented in most Australian state and public collections. Their experiences as official artists travelling with the Australian Defence Forces bear some similarity to those of George Lambert ninety years previously - having to work quickly and pack up at a moment's notice when the Forces needed to move. They were attached to military bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Their task was to record and interpret the training, logistical, and operational activities of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel they encountered.