Informal portrait of 402629 Flying Officer (FO) Harry Neville Young of Hamilton, NSW. Enlisting ...

Accession Number P07255.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia
Date made c 1940
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Informal portrait of 402629 Flying Officer (FO) Harry Neville Young of Hamilton, NSW. Enlisting in the RAAF in September 1940, FO Young trained as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner (WAG) under the Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) in Australia and Canada, and was posted to 455 Squadron based at RAF Station Wigsley in England. He was listed as presumed killed along with his three other crew members when his Hampden aircraft, serial number P5325, radio call-sign UB-B, disappeared whilst on an operational sortie in the Quiberon Bay area off the coast of France on the night of 2/3rd April 1942. Aged 21 at the time of his death, FO Young and the crew of P5325 are believed to have been the first all RAAF crew to lose their lives flying under Bomber Command during the Second World War.