An unidentified gunner of the 135th Assault Helicopter Company (135th AHC), United States Army, ...

Accession Number P05707.077
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Speedy, Ian Maxwell (Max)
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam
Date made c September 1968-October 1969
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


An unidentified gunner of the 135th Assault Helicopter Company (135th AHC), United States Army, 'hot' refuels an Iroquois helicopter (the rotors are left running). Colonel (Col) Du, Commander of 7th Division Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) (obscured), remains seated in helicopter. Each helicopter in the line is parked on an individual concrete landing pad. RAN Helicopter Flight Vietnam (RANHFV) is serving with 135th AHC providing tactical airlift and gunship support for Australian and allied ground forces.