Transistor radio in cover : Private D J Hannaford, 3 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment

Place Asia: Vietnam, South Vietnam
Accession Number REL35837
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Metal, Plastic, Vinyl
Maker National
Date made c 1970
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Transistor radio in vinyl cover. The National brand radio, made of black plastic, has at the top front of the radio a silver plate with 'NATIONAL' and 'AM', 'kHz' in black. There is a small window on the left of the item, to show the AM broadcast band. The silver plate is surrounded by a black and raised silver border. Underneath the border is 'SOLID STATE' in raised letters. Underneath the text is the speaker, behind plastic vents. At the bottom centre of the radio is a red National logo. The top left side of the radio carries the tuner and the top right side of the radio the off and volume and earphone jack. On the top of the back of the radio are raised arrows, indicating 'TUNING', 'OFF-VOL' and symbols of an ear and a speaker, indicating the location of the earphone jack. The back also has plastic vents and at the bottom of the back is the model number 'TMR-5' in silver. The cover has holes cut out so the radio can be operated without removing it from the cover. On the strap is a small pouch, which may have held the earphone.

History / Summary

This radio was purchased and used by Private Donald John Hannaford in both Australia and Vietnam. 2795142 Private Hannaford was born on 15 July 1949 at Windsor NSW. He enlisted on 22 April 1970 at Sydney NSW as part of National Service call up. Hannaford had previously worked for 3 years as a bank clerk. He embarked from Adelaide on 15 February 1971, arriving at Vung Tau on 25 February on board HMAS Sydney. He served for several months in Vietnam before returning to Australia, embarked in Vietnam on 16 October 1971. Hannaford was discharged on 9 December 1971 after completing his period of service.