Damaged waterbottle, 6 Battalion, AIF : Pine Ridge, Gallipoli

Place Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Pine Ridge Area
Accession Number RELAWM00324
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Canvas, Enamelled metal, Wool felt
Location Main Bld: First World War Gallery: The Anzac Story: Gallipoli: The Grand Plan
Maker Unknown
Place made United Kingdom
Date made c 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Blue enamel Mk.IV water bottle pierced by bullet and shrapnel holes. The enamel has been chipped off around these holes and the metal has rusted. This water bottle sits in a damaged 1908 pattern canvas webbing carrier. Only a small section of the khaki wool cover is still present.

History / Summary

Water bottle found in 1921 on Pine Ridge above Legge's Valley, Gallipoli, at map reference, Kurija Dere 1/20000, Square 68 C 5 by Lieutenant Colonel Cyril Emerson Hughes, Inspector of Works for the Imperial War Graves Commission. It was found with the bones of men in an advance area where men of the 6th Battalion, AIF, had fought, attempting to ho
ld back the Turks on 25 April 1915. As dusk approached that day, the Turks advanced and overtook their positions. None of these men were heard from again and none were taken prisoner.

Apart from 25 April, no further fighting occured near this position during the Gallipoli campaign and it was not until 1919 that the bodies of the men killed that day were found. Some were located in small groups along the length Pine Ridge, others were found in front, far down the slope. About 400 metres down the ridge on a knob overlooking Legge Valley another group was found. A last group was found at the back of the ridge, their remains covering the gully from top to bottom. While there may have been the remains of men from other units there, the patches and brass numerals still identifiable, indicated these had been men of the 6th Battalion.