Trench cap : British Army Cyclist Corps

Place Europe: United Kingdom
Accession Number REL35061
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Headdress
Physical description Brass; Leather; Oil skin; Wool serge
Location Main Bld: First World War Gallery: Western Front 1916: Weaponry
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Khaki woollen trench cap with an unwired brim and soft peak. The cap is fully lined with black oilcloth, and has a leather chinstrap with imperial buttons. There are a pair of brass ventilation eyelets on the underside of the crown, above the chinstrap buttons on each side. A circular paper label with the size marking '6 7/8' in red is glued inside the front headband. A brass (British) Army Cyclist Corps badge is attached to the front of the cap by a brass slider which fits into a narrow pocket beneath the brim.

History / Summary

The Bristish Army Cyclist Corps was formed during 1915 to bring the existing cyclist battalions under the command of a central body. The cyclist corps was involved in dispatch delivery, light reconnaissance and the delivery of such articles as carrier pidgeons to forward units. The corps was disbanded in 1919.

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