Pocket Reference Folder: Major D A Chinn

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number REL34787
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Maker Unknown
Date made 1960s
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Standard Army issue green vinyl folder with press stud fastening. The folder contains twenty clear plastic pockets, six of which are filled with military documents. These documents include: a badge from the 1st Aviation Brigade, checklists of procedures for Casualty Evacuations and Contact/Incident Reports, methods of request for Vehicles, Armoured Personnel Carriers, Air Support, Air Reconnaissance and Air Clearances, Rules of Engagement for targets and Armed Helicopters and Sub-Unit Rationing Statements. 'CHINN' has been stencilled onto the inside of the front and rear cover of the folder in black texta.

History / Summary

This folder, commonly referred to as a 'Vui Tui' by Australian soldiers was used by 235066 Major David Alexander Chinn, 1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR) and Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force (HQ 1 ATF) during his operational service in Vietnam. Chinn joined 1 RAR on 1 October 1968 and was the Operations Officer for that battalion until 15 February 1969 when he joined HQ 1 ATF in the same capacity. The reference folder was used by Chinn while he was deployed on major operations with 1 RAR as a quick reference for correct operating procedures particularly when requesting aircraft support. Chinn participated in Operation Windsor, Operation Capital and Operation Goodwood as well as other village cordon and searches. During his service with HQ 1 ATF Chinn carried the reference folder with him but did not refer to it unless he was moving outside the Australian Task Force Base. The reference folder was carried in Chinn's front shirt pocket and could be marked with either a regular or chinagraph pencil.