Australian M1956 Field Pack : Warrant Officer Class II Brian Betts, 3 RAR

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number REL/14402
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Brass, Canvas, Cotton webbing, Steel
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia
Date made Unknown
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Australian manufactured rigid framed M1956 field pack with waterproof lining introduced into service during the Vietnam war. The top flap carries retaining loops intended to support a rifle or shovel, and has a top carrying handle and plastic name tag holder.The pack is divided into two equal sections - upper and lower. The upper section is divided into three, a large central section with weather proof flaps and two smaller side pockets with buckled flaps. The lower section of the pack is intended to hold a sleeping bag and has a bottom opening secured by three straps and buckles. The back of the pack has two padded shoulder straps as well as an upper and lower horizontally aligned back pads. '211503 BETTS C-1' is written in black felt pen on the proper right lower front corner.

History / Summary

Used by Warrant Officer II Brian Betts during his tour of Vietnam with 3 RAR in 1971.

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