Replica Christmas Parcel, Gulf War : Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary

Place Middle East: Persian Gulf
Accession Number REL34362
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Foodstuffs, Paper, Plastic
Maker Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Camden
Date made 2005
Conflict Gulf War, 1990-1991

Christmas parcel containing two biscuits, a tea bag, two orange lollies, a gum leaf, an inspirational leaflet entitled 'Christmas - Someone Cares for You' and a Christmas card depicting an Australian bush nativity scene as used on the 1990 Australia Post Christmas stamp. The items are in a clear plastic bag secured with a gold coloured star shaped sticker.

History / Summary

This is a replicated example, made in 2005, of a Christmas parcel made by the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, Camden NSW in 1991. Donations of biscuits and confectionary were received by various companies and friends of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, and a working bee was organised to put the contents of the parcels together. The Christmas parcels were sent to Australian servicemen and women serving in the Gulf War in 1991 as a show of support and to give them a touch of home while they were so far away during the Christmas season. The exact number of parcels sent was not recorded but recollections by the sisters estimate the number was around 850. The Royal Australian Navy head office in Sydney arranged for the parcels to get on board the ships in time for Christmas.