
Place Middle East: Iraq
Accession Number ART92818
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 35.8 x 26 cm
Object type Print
Physical description screenprint on magnani incisioni paper
Maker Tse, Jonathan
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 2002
Conflict Iraq, 2003-2013

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright


Depicts a Hap & Hop wacky walking toy, from the Second World War period, showing the rising sun emblem on the soldier's shoulders and them wearing helmets and carrying packs. In this print, the shiny brown toy soldiers have been overlaid with a camouflage uniform so that they resemble Australian infantry in Iraq. Behind the camouflaged toy soldiers is a map like blue print of the original toys design. The subtle shades of colour in the background also reveal the letters W M D a reference to the weapons of mass destruction that were believed to be possessed by Iraq and used as a justification for the country's invasion and the beginning of the 'war against terrorism. Below the soldiers, attached with a red string is child-like drawing of a bomb.