'Back room boy' for 'Radio Commonwealth', the army radio station that serves the 1st Commonwealth ...

Accession Number HOLJ0154
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Holzheimer, Claude Rudolph
Place made Korea
Date made December 1955
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


'Back room boy' for 'Radio Commonwealth', the army radio station that serves the 1st Commonwealth Division on the Korean truce line, is 26860 Sergeant (Sgt) Ronald Latham (Ron) Adamson, of Mayfield West, NSW. For the past 12 months Sgt Adamson, pictured here at the control panel of the front line station, has been helping to keep it on the air for 14 hours a day, seven days a week. 'Radio Commonwealth' is a great example of Commonwealth co-operation, for its small staff is made up of British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand servicemen drawn mainly from units serving in Korea. In the extreme weather conditions of Korea, where the temperature varies more than a hundred degrees from summer to winter, their job is far from easy.

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