Cigarette Box : Trooper G D Burns, 6 Calvary Regiment, AIF

Place Middle East: British Mandate of Palestine, Palestine, Jerusalem
Accession Number REL33591
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Mother of pearl (shell), Wood
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1940
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Wooden cigarette box which features the Rising Sun, carved from mother of pearl, embedded on the centre front of the box. On the back of the box, the word 'Jerusalem' is written in black ink in the upper half, while a silhouetted picture of two camels with a man riding the lead camel, adorn the lower half of the box. The box opens from a hinged wooden arm on top of the box.

History / Summary

Associated with the service of Trooper George David Burns. Burns was born in Wondai, Queensland in 1916. Prior to his military service he worked as a farm labourer, enlisting in the army in November 1939. He embarked for the Middle East in January 1940, serving with 6 Australian Division Calvary Regiment in Egypt and Palestine (including Gaza). Trooper Burns was killed in action during the Battle of Bardia on 3 January 1941. He is buried in Knightsbridge War Cementry, Acroma in Libya.