Badu Island Aeroplane dance headdress: American B-25 Mitchell bomber

Place Oceania: Australia, Queensland, North Queensland, Torres Strait
Accession Number ART94620
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 12.5 x 73 x 52 cm
Object type Headdress
Physical description Wood; Paint; Metal; String
Maker Williams, Dick
Place made Australia: Queensland, North Queensland, Torres Strait, Australia: Queensland, North Queensland, Torres Strait
Date made 2004
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright


Unmounted wooden airplane styled to resemble a Mitchell bomber, painted green with faux Australian markings.

This detailed aircraft replica is the contemporary feature of the ceremonial headdresses worn by the Goigai Pudhai dance group in the performance of Airplane Dance. It was presented to the Memorial after a performance by the group was held to celebrate the opening of 'Australia Under Attack 1942-1943'.

While Torres Strait Islander headdresses usually depict totemic animals and sea-creatures, during the Second World War a number were constructed of military aircrafts. This came as a response to the RAAF base that was built on Ngurupai (Horn Island) in 1941 which made aircraft activity a familiar sight for the surrounding communities. James Eseli, a senior Kala Lagaw Ya elder, was renowned for his choreography of the airplane dance and for making these headdresses. This headdress is a contemporary interpretation made by Badu Islander Dick Williams.