ATF- (Not numbered) Rallier Phan Van Le

Accession Number RC02923
Collection type Official Record
Measurement Overall: 6 x 3 in.; 15.24 x 7.62 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker 1st Psychological Operations Unit
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province, Nui Dat
Date made c August 1971
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Commonwealth of Australia copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

English Translation:

Front: Photograph

Back: To the comrades of Long Dat and Xuyen Moc District.
I am Phan Van Thao aka Pham Van Le, Deputy Agriculture Association of Long Dat District. I have followed the VC since 1962, I've borne hardship, hunger and thirst while the VC still ill-treated me.
I have realised that I have gone the wrong way, therefore I came to Xuyen Moc to rally on 10-8-1971.
The GVN welcomed me warmly, now I am not afraid of death anymore.
I sincerely call upon 7 Loan, 10 An, 2 Vu, 2 Quang, 6 Thanh, 9 Hoang, 7 Thang, 8 Binh, 3 Bo to come back quickly to the GVN and avoid dying and reunite with your family.

Theme: Rally Appeal
Target Audience: Long Dat VC
Language: Vietnamese
Purpose / Object: Induce other ralliers
Method of Dissemination: By Air
Number Produced: Not Known, usually 50,000 to 60,000