ATF-015-70: Chau Duc special

Accession Number RC02893
Collection type Official Record
Measurement Overall: 6 x 3 1/2 in.; 15.24 x 8.89 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker 1st Psychological Operations Unit
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province, Nui Dat
Date made 25 July 1970
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Commonwealth of Australia copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

English Translation:

Front: A Special Message To All Members Of The Chau Duc District Unit
The GVN has much information on you.
1. Your unit is no longer strong enough to resist the GVN.
2. Many of you wonder if you are fighting for the right cause.
3. Many of you think that the sacrifice will be in vain.
4. Many of you think about rallying to the GVN. You are wise to consider this.
The GVN makes you an honourable offer.

1. The GVN makes an honourable offer to each one of you to Chieu Hoi for peace and happiness with the just cause.
2. You will be warmly welcomed and treated very well.
3. You will be completely forgiven because you were misled by the communists.
4. You will be reunited with your loved ones.
5. You will be given every help to establish a happy and useful life with the people.

Theme: Chieu Hoi
Target Audience: Chau Duc District Unit
Language: Vietnamese
Purpose / Object: To induce ralliers
Method of Dissemination: By Air
Number produced: 50,000 and 80,000.