ATF-037-70: Medical Care

Accession Number RC02806
Collection type Official Record
Measurement Overall: 5 x 4 in.; 12.7 x 10.16 cm
Object type Leaflet
Maker 1st Psychological Operations Unit
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province, Nui Dat
Date made 1 October 1970
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Commonwealth of Australia copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

English Translation:

Front: (Picture of DUSTOFF Chopper). The helicopter ambulance saves lives.

Back: This is a helicopter ambulance.
You can see by the picture that the helicopter ambulance doesn't carry any weapons.
Whenever or wherever any soldier is wounded, this helicopter will take him to hospital.
This is not only allied soldiers if you are wounded and need help, the helicopter will take you to hospital.
The helicopter ambulance saves lives.
The helicopter ambulance saves lives.

Theme: Explanatory
Target Audience: VC and NVA
Language: Vietnamese
Purpose / Object: To discourage ground engagement of casevac helicopters.
Method of Dissemination: By Air
Number Produced: 50,000