Major Michelle Miller in various peacekeeping roles Bougainville Islands 1998, East Timor 1999-2000 and Solomon Islands 2003, interviewed by Michael Cecil

Accession Number S03342
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 21 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description digital audio tape (DAT); maxell R-125DA; 48kHz; 16 bit; stereo
Maker Miller, Michelle Jane
Cecil, Michael
Date made 18 June 2004
Access Open
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Period 1990-1999
East Timor, 1999-2013

Item copyright: Status to be assessed

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Miller speaks of her experiences as a captain X5 Civil Affairs Cell Peace Monitoring Group, Bougainville Islands 1998; a captain Operations Officer 30/35 Water Transport and Terminal Squadron, East Timor 1999-2000; a major Officer Commanding Transport Squadron 10th Force Support Battalion, Solomon Islands 2003.
A transcript of this recording may be available. For further information please contact the Sound section.

  • Listen to Major Michelle Miller in various peacekeeping roles Bougainville Islands 1998, East Timor 1999-2000 and Solomon Islands 2003, interviewed by Michael Cecil