Officers of the 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR) wearing the 'Tiger' cravat at ...

Accession Number P04509.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Unknown
Date made December 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Status to be assessed


Officers of the 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR) wearing the 'Tiger' cravat at the battalion's Officers' Mess Tent around Christmas 1966. The mess consisted of a small marquee with dining and bar facilities and could be totally blacked out to prevent light escaping at night. The floor was sand and the roof was covered with a parachute silk. Identified left to right: Captain (Capt) Peter Isaacs (Adjutant), Capt Tony White (Regimental Medical Officer), Lt Col John Warr (Commanding Officer), Maj Bruce McQualter (OC B Company, died of wounds 5 March 1967), Maj 'Blue' Hodgkinson (Battalion 2IC).