Dennis Michael Mitchell Special Air Service Regiment interviewed by Greg Swanborough for 'The sharp end'

Accession Number F10614
Collection type Film
Measurement 6 min 50 sec
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description 16mm/colour (Eastman)/sound
Maker The Notion Picture Company Pty Limited
Mitchell, Dennis Michael
Swanborough, Greg
Place made Australia: Australian Capital Territory, Canberra
Date made 26 May 1992
Access Open
Conflict Period 1990-1999
Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Permission of copyright holder required for any use and/or reproduction.

Roll 15 Scene 14 Take 1; role of the Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment was as the eyes and ears of the Task Force; used to seek out targets operated at greater range than other units and protection and insertion on the flank of the Battalion; latter the SAS was used in a more offensive role seeking out targets of opportunity and harassing the enemy; Mitchell doesn't consider the SAS an elite force; the SAS role was different to other units and required a different technique and person to suite the job not about elitism; Take 2; the reconnaissance side of the SAS; insertion and slow movement through the area ; observing well used tracks to gather information on enemy movement and what type Viet Cong or North Vietnamese main force; following tracks to find the enemy's camp; establishing observation post to gather meaningful intelligence; post so close sometimes it would be possible to reach out and touch the enemy; [ film runs out interview continues sound only for rest of the take]; Roll 16 Scene 14 Take 3 [retake of Take 2]; Take 4. looking back on Vietnam; Mitchell would like Australians to remember how well the Australian Armed Forces served them rather than the bitterness and divisive memories of that time. Take 5 retake of take 4.