Avoid advertised remedies and doctors who advertise - why?...

Place North & Central America: United States of America
Accession Number ARTV07568
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 55.8 x 35.5 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description lithograph on card
Maker Unknown
US Army
Place made United States of America
Date made 1914-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Number seventeen of a series of 20 poster placards produced to educate United States soldiers and sailors about sex hygiene and venereal diseases. The information is presented via a combination of scientific facts and moral instruction. The series are in the form of placards simply designed largely with text accompanied by various photographic illustrations or diagrams. They are printed in black and red on white card. Each framed with a diagonally hatched grey border and a single black border. This placard is titled ' Avoid advertised remedies and doctors who advertise...' and features photographic reproductions of advertising posters produced by disreputable doctors removed by the Health Department from public toilets.

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