Tell that to the Marines...

Place North & Central America: United States of America
Accession Number ARTV06137
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 95.8 x 70 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description lithograph on paper
Maker Flagg, James Montgomery
Division of Pictorial Publicity
Place made United States of America
Date made 1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


First World War recruitment poster one of 5 designed for the U.S. Marines by artists working for the Division of Pictorial Publicity. Designed by renowned American illustrator James Montgomery Flagg it features a full length portrait of an angry civilian man, starting to take off his civilian clothing,standing in front of a newspaper he has just thrown down. On the ground to his left is his hat. Clearly visible the headline reads ' Huns kill women and children'. Enraged by the news from Belgium the man is off to join the Marines. Flagg was allegedly inspired by the headlines of August 1914 when Germany invaded Belgium. His poster inspired a patriotic poet, N.A. Jennings, whose poem ' The appeal of a poster' was published in the New York Herald soon after the poster was published.

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