Victory in Europe

Accession Number S03124
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 2 min
Object type Teaching/self-education material
Physical description audio cassette; brand unknown; 96kHz; 24 bit; stereo
Maker Visual Education Corporation
Macmillan Publishing Company Incorporated
Date made 1975
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Permission of copyright holder required for any use and/or reproduction.

Within eight months of the D-day landings, the Allies advanced as far as the border of Germany. But a weakness in their front line allowed a last-ditch German counteroffensive, the Battle of the Bulge, to score early success. German progress and shock at the Allied retreat is reported from the front. Brig. Gen. A. C. McAuliffe talks about the defence of Bastogne and recounts the delivery of his famous "Nuts" line to the enemy. News flashes and interviews recount the crossing of the Rhine and the long awaited link-up of Russian and American armies near the Elbe. A news bulletin announces Hitler's death as the Russian troops storm Berlin. The destruction of the German capital is described in an eyewitness account. The cassette ends with Winston Churchill's address to his countrymen on V-E day.
A transcript of this recording may be available. For further information please contact the Sound section.

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